A seed-stage venture capital firm

providing capital and advice to university entrepreneurs since 1999.

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About Us

Concept2Company Ventures is a seed-stage venture capital fund located in Silicon Valley. We help professors, staff, students, and recent university graduates start technology companies.

C2C has been focused on this singular mission for more than twenty years. We were the first investor in companies that have been acquired for more than $2 billion in cash.

We are particularly interested in funding companies that use AI or improve AI infrastructure.

We believe that a small number of companies are formed every year with foundational technologies that will change the world. Frequently, these foundational technologies were developed at universities by academic founders with limited business experience. We aspire to identify those companies and partner with their founders at the earliest stage to become their trusted source of capital and advice.

C2C gets involved with new ventures much earlier than other venture capital firms are willing to invest. Often there isn’t even a business plan or a complete team — just a promising technology and a desire to do something useful with it. We enjoy the challenge of helping people shape an idea for a business.

We invite potential partners to check us out by contacting anyone with whom we have done business in the past. You’ll find we are unusual: we prefer to invest in academic founders who lead their company as full-time members of the management team; we are very patient capital focused on the long game (no pressure for an “exit”); our own management structure and ownership is predictable for decades to come.

Why Concept2Company Ventures?

For faculty, researchers, staff, and recent graduates, starting a company can be a random process of seeking advice and figuring out whom they can trust. As a trusted partner of their institution, C2C brings specific expertise in the process of venture formation “from concept to company.” At C2C, we don’t pretend to know all the answers, but we probably know someone who might have an answer or who can help. That’s why we take pains to ensure that all our new investments can benefit from the relationships we’ve formed since we started C2C in 1999. C2C and its extensive set of contacts provide a range of support for young, private companies at any stage of development.

If you are interested, email our managing partner (msiegel@c2cventures.com) directly with a general description of your research. Or call us at ‍(650) ‍614-5010 to schedule a meeting. Typically, we can tell you immediately whether we have an interest. Your inquiry will be totally confidential: we don’t need to discuss your research with consultants, committees, co-investors, lawyers, etc. Most of the investments we have made have been agreed to after we have had one meeting with the owners.

What C2C Ventures Does

Concept2Company Ventures looks for opportunities to partner with professors, staff, graduate students, and recent graduates around the world who hope to found or have founded a venture capital-backed company based on their research. C2C invests capital and we work very closely with the small number of founders in whom we choose to invest.

We have opinions. We are not shy about making recommendations. But a strict requirement we have for each investment is that at least one founder is committed to making the decisions and building the company as a full-time member of the management team. (We can’t supply that.) Often, this is a fresh graduate student with little or no business experience working with his or her former advisor. Occasionally it is an experienced entrepreneur. Typically we work with founders who intend to license or have licensed technology from a university.

We believe that prior to raising capital the founding team must identify an existing market that is poised for rapid growth. They must discover an unmet customer need in that market. And they must develop a proof-of-concept prototype that can meet that customer need.

C2C helps founders discover attractive markets for new technologies and secure rich customers who will move fast and pay a premium for a unique solution. A market on the path to a $1B potential allows for error and time for real margins to develop. Intellectual property is usually necessary, but rarely sufficient for business success. When patents would be helpful to prevent others from copying a product or a service, C2C helps founders analyze patents from other labs and develop and license strong patent portfolios. In addition to providing advice on all forms of intellectual property, C2C also:

  • Invests startup capital
  • Identifies market opportunities
  • Conducts go-to-market experiments
  • Assesses customer demand
  • Develops and refines a product plan
  • Uncovers initial customer partners
  • Licenses intellectual property for the company

After the founders and C2C have determined to move forward, C2C

  • Invests seed capital
  • Participates in initial meetings with customers
  • Helps founders find product/market fit
  • Identifies metrics that founders can use to determine the success of their product with their customers
  • Supervises the company's organization and technology licensing
  • Attracts and helps recruit additional management team members and outside directors and advisors
  • Helps founders develop accounting processes to measure the success of their business so that it can be managed
  • Invests follow-on capital and introduces founders to other venture capital investors

C2C’s principals use their extensive business and technical expertise and venture capital contacts to help founders define, start and fund their company

It is usually a lengthy process that often consumes hundreds of hours of C2C’s time, which is why C2C can only take on a small number of projects at the same time. At C2C we prefer to form long-term relationships with founders and universities. Some of our most successful investments have been the result of partnering with founders we have known for years through multiple companies.

C2C can offer its greatest help to companies during their formative years. However, on occasion, when the management of a company asks us to stay involved, we do. Depending on the stage the company is at and the wishes of its founders and management, C2C will accept a seat on the company’s Board of Directors. In other cases, we sit on a company’s advisory board.

C2C does not receive any cash compensation. C2C’s compensation is its participation in the initial seed financing of the company.

Dilution is our greatest enemy. Recognition of the corrosive force of dilution is what separates wealthy founders from successful ones. We prefer companies that can be started with relatively small amounts of money, and we like our investments to become profitable quickly. This allows the startup’s founders and management to retain a large equity stake throughout the life of the company. We have discovered that founders and management who are clever enough to generate a large return from a small investment will frequently build significant companies.

C2C focuses on leading universities and research institutions in the United States and Canada. Universities with which C2C has worked include Stanford, Caltech, Yale, University of British Columbia, and UCLA.

C2C understands university culture

Like you, we have published papers, written grants, and mentored graduate students. We understand university culture and research scientists. We have discovered that our our most successful partnerships have been with individuals who are able to articulate a clear vision about the future that is both contrarian and correct. Typically these individuals aspire to create value that is measured by payments from customers rather than by citations from other academics.

We like to work with founders who are impatient to find practical, commercial applications of their academic research. They are often considered mavericks by their peers but they are not loners. They know how to identify talent. They are able to attract and motivate teams.

We look for founders with ideas and technologies where there is a chance for us to be shareholders with them for 10 or 15 years. C2C has helped to turn concepts into companies at Stanford, Yale, Caltech and other leading universities. Since 1999, C2C companies have raised more than $595 million in venture capital. We were the first investor in companies that have been acquired for more than $2 billion in cash.

A new model

C2C gets involved with its ventures much earlier than other venture firms are willing to invest. Often there isn’t even a business plan or an entrepreneurial team—just a promising technology and a desire to do something useful with it. Venture capitalists often think that they build companies. We disagree. Management teams build companies, and venture capitalists sometimes help. At C2C, we provide assistance when it is requested or needed, but we don’t want to run companies. We steer founders towards resources that can help shape their company. C2C helps founders find large, attractive markets for new technologies and identify rich customers who will move fast and pay a premium for a unique offering.

We don’t believe that companies should be forced to choose between working with C2C or other investors. C2C typically participates in seed-stage financing rounds alongside other venture capital and angel investors. C2C has co-invested with Andreessen Horowitz, Accel Partners, Union Square Ventures, Founders Fund, Future Ventures, Kleiner Perkins, Khosla Ventures, Index Ventures, Vanedge Capital, Bezos Expeditions and other leading venture capital firms. C2C Ventures is committed to helping founders and their university partner institutions build sustainable technology ventures.


Micah Siegel, Ph.D.

Managing Director

Micah is the Managing Director of C2C Ventures. Since 1999, his emphasis has been on financing seed-stage technology companies out of universities. Micah was the first investor in companies that have been acquired for more than $2 billion in cash. Micah was an early investor in Stack Overflow (started at Fog Creek Software in 2010, acquired in 2021 by Prosus for $1.8 billion in cash), Sentry (started at Disqus in 2013), Cellular Research (started at Stanford in 2013, acquired in 2015 by Becton Dickinson for $120 million in cash), BioImagene (started at UCLA in 2003, acquired in 2010 by Roche for $100 million in cash), Hadapt (started at Yale in 2011, acquired in 2014 by Teradata), Judicata (started at Stanford in 2012), Adapt Technologies (started at Caltech in 2004, acquired in 2008 by Vivial), and Affinity Engines (started at Stanford in 2002, litigation resulted in a license and settlement from Google in 2006). He is also a Partner at Vanedge Capital, a Vancouver-based venture capital firm with $390M in capital under management.

Micah was the first investor in companies that have raised more than $70 million in seed-stage venture capital and $525 million in follow-on growth capital from Accel Partners, Andreessen Horowitz, Bezos Expeditions, Founders Fund, Index Ventures, Khosla Ventures, New Enterprise Associates, Union Square Ventures, and other leading venture capital firms.

Micah joined the faculty at Stanford in 2006 as a Consulting Professor in the School of Engineering. From 2006 to 2013 he taught the graduate-level course Business for Engineers (EE204) to Engineering, Life Science, and Computer Science MS and PhD students at Stanford. Topics of EE204 included new product development, marketing, intellectual property, accounting and finance, with a focus on building profitable and well-funded technology companies based on high-profile academic research. Micah’s students at Stanford have gone on to start a number of successful Silicon Valley companies such as Gusto, Notion, Visby Medical, Pulse (acquired by LinkedIn for $90 million in 2013) and Katango (acquired by Google in 2011).

Micah began his career in 1993 working directly with Carver Mead to design early artificial intelligence (AI) systems in VLSI. In 1999 he and Craig Johnson, a well-known Silicon Valley lawyer, formed C2C. Micah is a techie and co-inventor of several U.S. patents related to genetic engineering and software systems, and was recognized in 2009, 2010 and 2011 by IAM Magazine as one of the world’s 250 “Leading IP Experts” (“IAM250”), and in 2003 by MIT Technology Review magazine as “one of the top 100 innovators of the world” (“TR100 List“). He is the eldest of six children and was raised in Okemos, Michigan.

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Craig Johnson

In Memoriam

  • Education

    B.A. Yale University (magna cum laude), J.D. Stanford University

(December 28, 1946 — October 3, 2009) Prior to joining Concept2Company Ventures, Craig was the Chairman and Co-Founder of Venture Law Group. He graduated magna cum laude from Yale in 1968, spent two years teaching in the Peace Corps in Ethiopia, worked with Burroughs in Pasadena as a systems computer programmer and left to start law school at Stanford, from which he graduated in 1974. After law school he joined the Palo Alto law firm of Wilson, Mosher & Sonsini (now Wilson, Sonini, Goodrich & Rosati) as its 14th attorney. In 1993 he left WSG&R with 13 other attorneys to start Venture Law Group, a law firm specializing in representing high technology companies. Among the companies VLG helped to start were Yahoo!, Cerent (sold to Cisco for $7 Billion), Lightera (sold to Ciena for $600 Million), Foundry Networks, Hotmail and WebTV (both sold to Microsoft) and Rosetta Inpharmatics (sold to Merck in 2001 for $540 Million). Among the companies Craig represented from incorporation through initial public offering or acquisition were Adaptec, Wyse, Collagen, StrataCom, Aspect, SnapTrack, Gupta, MediaQ and IPWireless. In addition to co-founding Venture Law Group and Concept2Company, Craig was the co-founder of several other companies, including Garage Technology Ventures, Financial Engines and Virtual Law Partners. These companies have raised more than $250 Million in venture capital. Craig was recognized in 1997 by Business Week as one of Silicon Valley’s top 25 “movers and shakers,” in 1999 by Red Herring Magazine as one of nine Silicon Valley “top power brokers,” in 2000 by the National Law Journal as one of the 100 most influential attorneys in America and in 2001 and 2002 by Forbes as one of the country’s top private company investors (“Midas List”). Prior to his untimely death in 2009, Craig lived in Portola Valley, California and enjoyed biking in Europe and movies.

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Case Studies

In 2004 C2C began to work with a Caltech Ph.D. and researcher who also held a position at Sandia Labs. He is an expert in semantic analysis algorithms and their application to the Internet. C2C helped to define and test Adapt’s business model and served as co-founder of Adapt. Adapt Technologies, located in Pasadena (near Caltech) was incorporated in 2005 and in June 2005 raised $10 Million in a first round of financing from top tier venture capital funds. In 2008 Adapt was acquired by WebVisible, now a subsidiary of Vivial. Craig Johnson was a director of Adapt and Micah Siegel did much of the business model development and testing which led to Adapt’s funding. See vivial.net.

Financial Engines was the model for C2C. In 1996 Craig Johnson was approached by two tenured Stanford professors (one of whom had won the Nobel Prize in Economics) to discuss whether a business could be built around the Nobel Prize winner’s expertise. Neither professor desired to leave his position at Stanford. Craig participated in discussions on potential business models, incorporated the company, structured and participated in a $500K seed financing, introduced potential advisors and investors, negotiated the CEO position with one of the Nobel Prize winner’s former students and led efforts to raise $4 Million in initial venture capital financing. Today Financial Engines has over 350 employees and is the leader in automated retirement plan investment advice and management, with more than $260 Billion in managed retirement accounts, providing advice and managed account services to employees in over 1000 major corporations. In March, 2018, Financial Engines was acquired for $3 Billion in cash. As a co-founder Craig attended meetings of the Board of Directors. See financialengines.com.

In late 2001 C2C began working with two Stanford students to commercialize software they had developed as a hobby to connect Stanford undergraduates and alumni with employers. C2C helped to start the company (Affinity Engines), define the business model (providing automated employment services to university alumni organizations for employers and alumni), obtain funding, locate management and advisors and in general help build the business. Affinity Engines, located in Mountain View, raised approximately $7 Million in financing, signed up 120 alumni associations of major universities and business schools (representing 18 Million candidates or one third of the total population of U.S. college graduates). Substantial early liquidity to investors was provided in 2006 when Google acquired a worldwide license to Affinity’s software to create Google’s first open social network, Orkut. The operating company was acquired in 2011. Micah Siegel was on the Affinity Engines Board. See orkut.com.

In 2004 C2C began to work with a Caltech Ph.D. and researcher who also held a position at Sandia Labs. He is an expert in semantic analysis algorithms and their application to the Internet. C2C helped to define and test Adapt’s business model and served as co-founder of Adapt. Adapt Technologies, located in Pasadena (near Caltech) was incorporated in 2005 and in June 2005 raised $10 Million in a first round of financing from top tier venture capital funds. In 2008 Adapt was acquired by WebVisible, now a subsidiary of Vivial. Craig Johnson was a director of Adapt and Micah Siegel did much of the business model development and testing which led to Adapt’s funding. See vivial.net.

Financial Engines was the model for C2C. In 1996 Craig Johnson was approached by two tenured Stanford professors (one of whom had won the Nobel Prize in Economics) to discuss whether a business could be built around the Nobel Prize winner’s expertise. Neither professor desired to leave his position at Stanford. Craig participated in discussions on potential business models, incorporated the company, structured and participated in a $500K seed financing, introduced potential advisors and investors, negotiated the CEO position with one of the Nobel Prize winner’s former students and led efforts to raise $4 Million in initial venture capital financing. Today Financial Engines has over 350 employees and is the leader in automated retirement plan investment advice and management, with more than $260 Billion in managed retirement accounts, providing advice and managed account services to employees in over 1000 major corporations. In March, 2018, Financial Engines was acquired for $3 Billion in cash. As a co-founder Craig attended meetings of the Board of Directors. See financialengines.com.

In late 2001 C2C began working with two Stanford students to commercialize software they had developed as a hobby to connect Stanford undergraduates and alumni with employers. C2C helped to start the company (Affinity Engines), define the business model (providing automated employment services to university alumni organizations for employers and alumni), obtain funding, locate management and advisors and in general help build the business. Affinity Engines, located in Mountain View, raised approximately $7 Million in financing, signed up 120 alumni associations of major universities and business schools (representing 18 Million candidates or one third of the total population of U.S. college graduates). Substantial early liquidity to investors was provided in 2006 when Google acquired a worldwide license to Affinity’s software to create Google’s first open social network, Orkut. The operating company was acquired in 2011. Micah Siegel was on the Affinity Engines Board. See orkut.com.


Stack Overflow is the largest online community in the world for developers to share​ programming ​knowledge and build their careers. Stack Overflow has become a place where 46 million software developers go to find, ask and answer questions about software development, with 10 billion page views from 100+ million unique visitors annually. The company has more than 300 employees and annual revenue of $70m+. Nine million developers use the service every day.

Joel Spolsky and Jeff Atwood
Spin-out from:
Fog Creek Software, Inc.
Type of business:
Online Services
Investment stage:
Founded 2008 ~ Partnered 2008

New York, NY


Sentry provides real-time crash reporting for web applications, mobile applications, and games. Every month, billions of exceptions are processed by Sentry infrastructure around the world. ‍‍ ‍With more than a million developer users and $100m in annual recurring revenue, Sentry is the number one application monitoring platform. Sentry’s cloud-hosted services are used to proactively identify, triage and prioritize software errors for more than 100,000 organizations worldwide—and many of the world’s best-known companies—including Airbnb, Dropbox, Microsoft, PayPal, Pinterest, Square, Symantec and Uber.

David Cramer
Spin-out from:
Disqus, Inc.
Type of business:
Software Infrastructure
Investment stage:
Founded 2013 ~ Partnered 2015

San Francisco, CA


Cellular Research develops tools for massively parallel single-cell genomic analysis based on its proprietary Molecular Indexing technology. Molecular Indexing encodes individual mRNA molecules within single cells, enabling the generation of highly multiplexed gene expression profiles.

Dr. Stephen Fodor, Dr. Glenn Fu, and Dr. Stephen Quake
Spin-out from:
Affymetrix, Inc. and Stanford University
Type of business:
Laboratory Equipment
Investment stage:
Founded 2012 ~ Partnered 2013
Acquired by Becton, Dickinson for $120M in cash in 2015

Menlo Park, CA


BioImagene develops products for the processing and analyzing of tissue specimens. BioImagene’s analysis software was initially based on a database of digital images of known pathology specimens licensed from UCLA and further refined into a complete digital pathology workflow, scanner and analysis solution.

Mohan Uttarwar
Spin-out from:
Type of business:
Medical Equipment
Investment stage:
Founded 2003 ~ Partnered 2003
Acquired by Roche for $100M in cash in 2010

Mountain View, CA


Skyfront develops a commercial multi-rotor drone, the Perimeter, which is the first civilian drone approved by the FAA for beyond-visual-line-of-site missions. Their proprietary, hybrid-electric power source converts gasoline into electricity during flight. The Perimeter retains the safety and mechanical simplicity of an electric drone but can fly for more than 13 hours, 40x longer than most battery powered drones. Customers use the Perimeter for inspection and surveillance applications worldwide due to its long flight time and 100km (60 mile) communication range.

Dr. Troy Mestler
Spin-out from:
Princeton University
Type of business:
Commercial Drones
Investment stage:
Founded 2015 ~ Partnered 2016

Menlo Park, CA


Judicata uses machine learning and human review to turn unstructured court opinions into structured data. Judicata is building legal research and analytics tools for lawyers that are an order of magnitude better than existing offerings.

Itai Gurari, Adam Hahn, and Blake Masters
Spin-out from:
Stanford University Law School
Type of business:
Online Services
Investment stage:
Founded 2012 ~ Partnered 2012

San Francisco, CA


Hadapt develops software that merges advanced databases with Hadoop to enable business customers to analyze both structured and unstructured data in a ultra-fast and efficient way.

Justin Borgman and Dr. Daniel Abadi
Spin-out from:
Yale University
Type of business:
Database Software
Investment stage:
Founded 2011 ~ Partnered 2011
Acquired by Teradata in 2014

Boston, MA


Concept2Company Ventures (650) 614-5010 http://www.c2cventures.com/wp-content/themes/c2c-ventures/img/logo_dark.png C2C Ventures is a seed-stage venture capital firm that helps professors, staff, graduate students, and recent university graduates start commercial ventures. Micah Siegel, Craig Johnson 531 Lasuen Mall, Stanford, CA http://www.c2cventures.com/c2cventures.jpg

Last Modified: July 30, 2014 At C2C Ventures, Inc. (“C2C Ventures”), we are committed to maintaining the confidentiality and security of any personal information about our users. Your privacy is always at the top of our priorities, and we are focused on protecting it from unauthorized access. This Privacy & Security Policy supplements our Terms of Service and spells out how we collect, use, and disclose of information from or about you through our website www.C2CVentures.com and the C2C Ventures service. Users can access the C2C Ventures  service (the “Service”) via our website www.C2CVentures.com. By using our Service you are consenting to the collection, transfer, processing, storage, disclosure and other uses described in this Privacy & Security Policy. The use of information collected through our service shall be limited to the purpose of providing the service for which the C2C Ventures client (“Client”) has engaged C2C Ventures. If you have questions or complaints regarding our privacy policy or practices, please contact us at info@C2CVentures.com. C2C Ventures complies with the U.S. – EU Safe Harbor Framework and the U.S. – Swiss Safe Harbor Framework as set forth by the U.S. Department of Commerce regarding the collection, use and retention of personal data from the European Union member countries and Switzerland. The Information We Collect And Store We may collect and store the following information when running the C2C Ventures Service: Information You Provide. When you contact us via our website, we collect some personal information, such as your name and email address. Your Data and Other Information About You. With your permission (which you grant by using our Service), C2C Ventures collects and stores information you provide or that we collect in order to administer our Services and/or as otherwise described in this Privacy & Security Policy or our Terms of Service. If you or another user uploads a file to C2C Ventures that has been previously uploaded by you or another user, we may associate all or a portion of the previous file with the applicable accounts rather than storing duplicates. Log Data. When you use the Service, we automatically collect certain information from your Device, its software, and your activity using the Services. This may include, for example (but without limitation), the Device’s Internet Protocol (“IP”) address, browser type, the web page visited before or after you came to our website, information you search for on our website, locale preferences, identification numbers associated with your Devices, your mobile carrier, date and time stamps associated with transactions, system configuration information, metadata, and interactions with the Service. Cookies.  We also use “cookies” to collect information and provide and improve our Services. A cookie is a small file that we transfer to your Device. We may use “persistent cookies” to save your registration ID and login password for future logins to the Service. We may use “session ID cookies” to enable certain features of the Service, to better understand how you interact with the Service, to monitor aggregate usage and web traffic routing on the Service, and to enable third-party vendors, including Google and AdRoll, to serve ads based on someone’s past visits to our website. This also enables third-party vendors, including Google, to show our ads on sites across the internet. You can instruct your browser, by changing its options, to stop accepting cookies or to prompt you before accepting a cookie from the websites you visit. If you do not accept cookies, however, you may not be able to use all aspects of the Service. Our affiliates use cookies to make it easier for us to gather analytics about site usage and to help us provide interactive support for our users. The use of cookies by our affiliates is not covered by our privacy policy. We do not have access or control over these cookies. Widgets.  Our website includes social media features, such as the Facebook Like button and widgets, such as the “Share This” button for Twitter and LinkedIn. These features may collect your IP address and the page you are visiting on our site, and they may set a cookie to enable the feature to function properly. Social media features and widgets are either hosted by a third party or hosted directly on our site. Your interactions with these features are governed by the privacy policy of the company providing it. How We Use Personal Information Personal Information. In the course of using the Service, we may collect or otherwise obtain information that can be used to contact or identify you (“Personal Information”). Personal Information is or may be used: (i) to provide and improve our Service, (ii) to administer your use of the Service, (iii) to recommend follow-up reminders, assign tasks, or personalize the service, and (iv) to provide or offer software updates and product announcements. If you no longer wish to receive communications from us that are not required for the Service, please follow the “unsubscribe” instructions provided in any of those communications, or update your account settings information. Geo-Location Information. Some devices allow applications to access real-time location-based information (for example, GPS). Our mobile apps do not collect such information from your device as of the date this policy went into effect, but may do so in the future with your consent to improve our Services. We may use this information to optimize your experience. Also, some of the information we do currently collect from a device, for example IP address, can sometimes be used to approximate a device’s location. Analytics.  We also collect some information (ourselves or using third party services) that requires using logging and cookies, such as IP address, which can sometimes be correlated with Personal Information. We use this information for the above purposes and to monitor and analyze use of the Service, for the Service’s technical administration, to increase our Service’s functionality and user-friendliness, to verify users have the authorization needed for the Service to process their requests, and for advertising purposes. As of the date this policy went into effect, we use Google Analytics. Visitors can opt out of Google’s use of cookies for advertising purposes by visiting Google’s Ads Settings. To learn more about the privacy policy of Google Analytics, click here. To learn how to opt out of that service, click here. Information Sharing and Disclosure by Us No Sale of Personal Information. We do not sell Personal Information to third parties. Service Providers, Business Partners and Others. We may use certain trusted third-party companies and individuals to help us provide, analyze, and improve the Service (including but not limited to data storage, maintenance services, database management, web analytics, payment processing, and improvement of the Service’s features). These third parties may have access to your information for purposes of performing these tasks on our behalf and under obligations similar to those in this Privacy Policy. As of the date this policy went into effect, we use Salesforce to store some of the information your provide to us (for example, drafts of confidential expert witness reports). You can find more information on Salesforce’s data security from the Salesforce Security site. Third-Party Applications. As of the date this policy went into effect, C2C Ventures has never and will not share your information with a third-party application. In the future, with your consent, we may share your information with a third-party application (for example patent database search applications). We are not responsible for what those parties do with your information, so you should make sure you trust the application and that it has a privacy policy that is acceptable to you. Compliance with Laws and Law Enforcement Requests; Protection of C2C Ventures’s Rights. We may disclose to third parties data stored in your C2C Ventures account and information about you that we collect when we have a good faith belief that disclosure is reasonably necessary to (a) comply with a law, regulation, or compulsory legal request, such as to comply with a subpoena; or (b) to protect C2C Ventures’s rights. If we provide any data stored in your C2C Ventures account to a law enforcement agency, we will remove C2C Ventures’s encryption from the information before providing it to law enforcement. Business Transfers. If we are involved in a merger, acquisition, or sale of all or a portion of our assets, your information may be transferred as part of that transaction, but we will notify you (for example, via email, sign in notification, and/or a prominent notice on our website) if that happens or if your information otherwise becomes subject to a different privacy policy in lieu of this one. We will also notify you of choices you may have regarding the information. Changing or Deleting Your Information For questions about your Personal Information on our Service, please contact info@C2CVentures.com. We will respond to your inquiry within 30 days. Data Retention Our intention is to retain your information for as long as needed to provide you with the Services. If you wish to cancel your account or request that we no longer use your information to provide you Services, you may contact us at info@C2CVentures.com. We may retain and use your information as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements and rights, or if it is not technically reasonably feasible to remove it. Consistent with these requirements, we will try to delete your information quickly upon request. Please note, however, that there might be latency in deleting information from our servers and backed-up versions might exist after deletion. In addition, we do not delete information from our servers files if you have that information in common with other users. Choice/Opt-Out You may choose to stop receiving our newsletter or marketing emails by following the unsubscribe instructions included in these emails, when available, or you can contact us at info@C2CVentures.com. Blogs Our website may offer publicly accessible blogs or community forums in the future. You should be aware that any information you provide in these areas may be read, collected, and used by others who access them. To request removal of your personal information from our blog or community forum, contact us at info@C2CVentures.com. In some cases, we may not be able to remove your personal information. If this is the case, we will let you know and indicate why. Security C2C Ventures stresses its privacy and security standards. Although no one can guarantee absolute security, we regularly re-evaluate our privacy and security policies in order to adapt to new challenges. We follow generally accepted standards to protect the information submitted to us, both during transmission and once we receive it. Children Our Services are not directed to persons under 13. We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children under 13. If a parent or guardian becomes aware that his or her child has provided us with Personal Information without the parent’s consent, he or she should contact us at info@C2CVentures.com. If we become aware that a child under 13 has provided us with Personal Information, we will take steps to delete such information from our files. Contacting Us If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at info@C2CVentures.com, or at Box 20524, Stanford CA 94309. Changes to our Privacy & Security Policy If we make a change to this privacy policy, we will provide you with notice (for example, by email, a sign-in notification, or some other means) prior to the change becoming effective. By continuing to use the Service after those changes become effective, you are agreeing to be bound by the revised Privacy and Security Policy; if you do not agree to the change, simply don’t use the Service after the change is effective, in which case the change will not apply to you. Service Provider, Sub-Processors/Onward Transfer C2C Ventures may transfer personal information to companies that help us provide our service. Transfers to subsequent third parties are covered by the provisions in this Policy regarding notice and choice, as well as the service agreements with our Clients. Data Retention C2C Ventures will retain personal data we process on behalf of our Clients for as long as needed to provide services to our Client. C2C Ventures will retain and use this personal information as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreement.

Last Modified: July 30, 2014 Thank you for using C2C Ventures! These terms of service (the “Terms”) govern your access to and use of C2C Ventures (“we” or “our”) websites and services (the “Services”). Please read them carefully before using the Services. By using the Services you are agreeing to these Terms. If you are using the Services on behalf of an organization, you are agreeing to these Terms for that organization and representing that you have the authority to bind that organization to these terms. In that case, “you” and “your” will refer to that organization. You may use the Services only in accordance with these Terms. You may use the Services only if you have the legal power and capacity to form a contract with C2C Ventures. The Services will continue to evolve as we refine features and functionality. We may terminate, suspend, or modify the Services, in general or with respect to you, from time to time without cause or prior notice. We may also delete any content or data from the Services at our discretion. Sharing Your Data and Your Privacy Subject to the limited exceptions specified in our Privacy Policy, until you choose otherwise, all of Your Data remains visible only to you. What we do with Your Data, and how we collect and use other information relating to you generally is explained in our Privacy and Security Policy. Your Responsibilities Information and content accessible through the Services may be protected by intellectual property rights of others. Please do not copy, upload, download, or share any information or content unless you have the right to do so. You, not C2C Ventures, will be fully responsible and liable for what you copy, share, upload, download or otherwise send to us while using the Services. You, and not C2C Ventures, are responsible for maintaining and protecting all of Your Data. C2C Ventures will not be liable for any loss or corruption of Your Data, or for any costs or expenses associated with backing up or restoring any of Your Data. If any information related to your account changes, you must notify us promptly and keep your information current. The Services are not intended for use by you if you are under 18 years of age. By agreeing to these Terms, you are representing to us that you are over 18. Software and Updates Some parts of our Service require you to download a client software package (“Software”). Subject to these Terms, C2C Ventures hereby grants you a limited, nonexclusive, nontransferable, non sublicensable, revocable license to use the Software, solely to access the Services. This license will be automatically revoked if you violate these Terms. We reserve all rights not explicitly granted in these Terms. You must not attempt to reverse engineer the Software or encourage or assist anyone else to do so. The Services may automatically update the Software on your device when a new version becomes available. Feedback While we appreciate it when users send us feedback, please be aware that we (or others we authorize) may use in any manner any feedback, comments, or suggestions you post in our forums or otherwise provide without any obligation to you. Other Content The Services may contain links to websites or resources of others. We do not endorse and are not responsible or liable for their accuracy, availability, content, products, services or anything else. You are solely responsible for your use of any such websites or resources. Also, if we provide you with any software under an open source license, there may be provisions in those licenses that conflict with these Terms, in which case the open source provisions will apply with respect to the code to which those provisions apply. Termination C2C Ventures is available “as-is”; though we want to provide a great service, there are certain legal commitments we can’t make. For example, the services are provided “as is”, at your own risk, without express or implied warranty of any kind, including, without limitation, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. C2C Ventures will not be responsible for harm that results from your use of the services. Some states do not allow the types of disclaimers in this paragraph, so they may not apply to you. Limitations of Liability To the fullest extent permitted by law, in no event will C2C Ventures, its affiliates, officers, employees, agents, suppliers or licensors be liable for any indirect, special, incidental, punitive, exemplary or consequential (including loss of use, data, business, or profits) damages, regardless of legal theory, whether or not C2C Ventures has been warned of the possibility of such damages, and even if a remedy fails of its essential purpose. Some states do not allow the types of limitations in this paragraph, so they may not apply to you. Modifications We may revise these Terms from time to time and the most current version will always be posted on our website. We will notify you of any change (for example via email to the email address associated with your account or by a notification when you use the Services or by some other method). By continuing to access or use the Services after revisions become effective, you are agreeing to be bound by the revised Terms. If you do not agree to the new terms, simply don’t use the Service after the change is effective, in which case the change will not apply to you. Miscellaneous Legal Terms These terms and the use of the services will be governed by California law except for its conflicts of laws principles. All claims arising out of or relating to these terms or the services or software must be litigated exclusively in the federal or state courts of California, and both parties consent to venue and personal jurisdiction there. These Terms constitute the entire and exclusive agreement between you and C2C Ventures with respect to the Services, and supersede and replace any other agreements, terms and conditions applicable to the Services. These Terms create no third party beneficiary rights. C2C Ventures’s failure to enforce a provision is not a waiver of its right to do so later. If a provision is found unenforceable the remaining provisions of the Agreement will remain in full effect and an enforceable term will be substituted to reflect our intent as closely as possible. C2C Ventures may assign its rights and obligations to any of its affiliates or subsidiaries, or to any successor in interest of any business or assets associated with the Services. Copyright © 1999-2023 C2C Ventures. All Rights Reserved.